August 2022

August 23, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, COIL begins soliciting proposals for its 2023 Open World exchange program from U.S. based organizations with established foreign visitor programs or a demonstrated ability to host foreign visitors. Organizations submitting proposals design 8-day professional development programs for emerging political, civic, and community leaders from the Eurasian region. All professional programs link Open World delegates to national, regional, and local levels of governance in an effort to support the legislative diplomacy efforts of Congress.

WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Congressional Office for International Leadership (COIL) launches its programs for Poland and Romania this week with the arrival of eight delegations totaling 39 delegates from Moldova, Poland, and Romania for its first-ever programming on mental health, second-language curriculum, and integrating refugees/displaced persons. This program is designed to “help the helpers” by providing civil leaders and educators with resources and experience to help them better respond to the cross-border human catastrophe caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.