COIL Hosts First Latvia Program And Renewed Lithuania Program

March 9, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC - The Congressional Office for International Leadership (COIL) launches its first Latvia program and a renewed Lithuania program this week with the arrival of two delegations from each country. These four delegations will be traveling on civic themes as part of a renewed push for programming in the Baltic countries.

COIL's first-ever Latvia delegations' themes include inclusivity and tolerance as well as civic participation in government. Following the D.C. orientation, one delegation will travel to Detroit, MI, where Global Ties Detroit will host them. In Detroit, delegates will engage in discussions with local organizations focusing on diversity and inclusion and will have the opportunity to attend a professional basketball game. Gulf Coast Diplomacy will host the other delegation in Pensacola, FL, where they will meet with Youth Diplomats and local government. Latvia programming will continue throughout the year.

The Lithuania delegations' themes include civil advocacy programming for ethnic minorities and LGBTQ+ leaders, alongside civic participation in government. After the D.C. orientation, the Lithuanian delegations will travel separately to Jacksonville, FL, and Kalamazoo, MI. In Jacksonville, delegates will celebrate Lithuanian Independence Day and meet with the City of Jacksonville Disabled Services Division along with public education institutions. In Kalamazoo, delegates will meet with civic and LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations and are encouraged to attend the 53rd Annual Maple Sugar Festival with their host families. GlobalJax and Global Ties Kalamazoo are the host organizations for our Lithuania delegations. COIL brought 104 Lithuanians on a one-year program in 2004. COIL is excited to restart its Lithuania program.

COIL looks forward to a lasting partnership with Latvia and Lithuania as we plan additional Open World programming for the Baltic countries.

Founded in 1999 by Congress, COIL maintains a vast network of more than 30,000 alumni in partner countries. COIL's Open World program supports legislative diplomacy efforts for Members of Congress by conducting exchanges that establish authentic communication and enduring relations maintained through its extensive alumni network. Program participants are exposed to the work of Congress, American politics, accountable governance, and volunteerism while being home-hosted by American families.