Polish Open World Alumni Elected to Parliament

Warsaw, Poland, November 29, 2023 | Maura Shelden, COIL (202-294-8908)
Tags: Poland

WARSAW, POLAND — Three alumni of the Open World program – Agnieszka Buczynska, Jolanta Niezgodzka, and Bartosz Romowicz – have been elected for the first time to the parliament (Sejm) in October 2023, representing a new generation of Polish leadership.

"The Open World program is a critical effort that demonstrates Congress’ commitment to spreading the values of legislative democracies to countries shedding the yoke of their communist pasts. Through its unique exchange of like-minded leaders, the program develops relationships and networks among Liberty’s champions around the world," said Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH-09), co-founder and co-chair of both the Congressional Ukraine and Congressional Poland Caucuses. "This exchange is critical as the next generation of democratic leaders take the reigns to advance the edge of freedom in their countries as demonstrated by election of three Open World alumni to Poland’s Parliament in the recent and historic national election. Having hosted Open World participants, Northern Ohio has witnessed the power of this exchange firsthand and I wish the program and its newest exchange members continued success for the security of democracies around the world."

Agnieszka Buczynska
While on the Open World program in 2022, she travelled with a "NGO Development and Fundraising" delegation to the Philadelphia, PAarea, where they were hosted by Citizen Diplomacy International.

Jolanta Niezgodzka
Ms. Niezgodka was hosted in Albany, NY by the International Center of the Capitol Region. While in Albany, her Local Women Political, Civic and Business Leaders themed delegation met with representatives of the press, institutions of higher learning, non-governmental organizations, Congressman Tonko, state legislators, and other area leaders.

Bartosz Romowicz
In April 2023, Mr. Romowicz visited the United States to further explore green solutions for producers, consumers, government, and community stakeholders. His delegation of local leaders was hosted by Council for International Programs, USA in Cleveland, OH. COIL, a Support Agency of the Congress Founded in 1999 by Congress, the Congressional Office for International Leadership maintains a vast network of more than 30,000 alumni in over 30 countries. It's Open World program supports legislative diplomacy efforts for Members of Congress by conducting exchanges that establish authentic communication and enduring relationships that are maintained through its extensive alumni network. Program participants are provided with exposure to the work of Congress, American politics, accountable governance, and volunteerism while being home hosted by American families. To learn more about the Open World program, please visit @OWprogram
