Signing of MOU to Establish Sister City Partnership Between Helena, Montana and Stepanavan, Armenia
June 21, 2024
Maura Shelden, COIL
Signing of MOU to Establish Sister City Partnership Between Helena, Montana and Stepanavan, Armenia
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Congressional Office for International Leadership (COIL) is excited to announce that as a result of our Member of Parliament delegation from Armenia, a sister city partnership was established between Helena and Stepanavan. In April 2024, COIL sent a delegation of Members of Parliament from Armenia to Helena, MT where they were hosted by WorldMontana. During their time there, Member of Parliament Arpine Davoyan suggested establishing a sister city partnership between Helena and her hometown of Stepanavan. The Mayor of Helena traveled to Yerevan to attend the U.S. Department of State’s U.S.- Armenia Local Democracy Forum from June 17-19. After discussions between the Mayor of Helena and the Mayor of Stepanavan, an MoU was signed between the two cities during the forum to establish the sister city partnership. COIL is honored that we were able to help facilitate this relationship and we look forward to seeing this sister city relationship flourish. COIL, a Support Agency of the Congress Founded in 1999 by Congress, the Congressional Office for International Leadership maintains a vast network of more than 31,000 alumni in partner countries. Its Open World program supports legislative diplomacy efforts for Members of Congress by conducting exchanges that establish authentic communication and enduring relations that are maintained through its extensive alumni network. Program participants are provided with exposure to the work of Congress, American politics, accountable governance, and volunteerism while being home hosted by American families. To learn more about the Open World program, please visit @OWProgram or ### |